Contact Us

Initial Assessments for new patients are scheduled for 60 minutes and generally in person. Please arrive on time for your appointment as all time is required.

Follow up appointments are then 30 minutes long, and can be done in person or by Telehealth. On occasion, our doctors may recommend extended appointment times of 45 minutes to discuss complex matters.

Fees & Rebates

We are a fee for service practice. Dr Burchgart and Dr Dall work independently and set their own fee schedules.

Medicare rebates apply to patient appointments only. Medicare rebates do not apply to cancellation fees or reports. Private health insurance,  NDIS funding and Mental Health Care Plans do not apply to specialist outpatient medical appointments.

As an indicator of fees, an Initial Assessment (60 minutes) ranges between $480-$600 depending on requirements. The Medicare rebate is $246 and the remaining fee out of pocket.


Medicare Safety Net

The Medicare Safety Net is activated when the amount you have spent on medical care, reaches a certain threshold. When your out of pocket costs for any medical appointments and interventions are higher than the safety net threshold, the rebate you then receive from Medicare will be higher. There is a different safety net threshold for concession card holders. The threshold resets each in January of each year.

Please contact [email protected] for more information regarding our fees and rebates.

Other Fees

Medicare does not cover all fees, for example; Medico-Legal reports and cancellation fees.

NDIS and DSP do not pay clinicians to prepare reports, therefore these reports attract a separate fee or may need to be completed within an appointment.

DVA will fund clinical reports and assessments for patients who have a DVA White or Gold Card. A patient can initiate these assessments themselves but need to ensure the correct forms are provided to the Psychiatrist. Consider using a DVA advocate to assist with this.

WorkCover and third-party insurers also provide funding to clinicians for work capacity reports and assessments. These reports are always initiated by the insurer or WorkCover directly.

Privacy Policy

Peace of Mind Psychiatry stores personal information in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act. Your personal information is used by Peace of Mind Psychiatry for administrative, billing and clinical purposes. Your information is stored within electronic medical records which has two-factor authentication security. Your information is also communicated between clinics via Healthlink, email and fax machine.

We collect your personal details and medical history so that we can provide you with medical treatment and advice. We only collect information that is reasonably necessary for your treatment and to help manage your care.

We take reasonable steps to ensure information we collect and have on file about you is accurate and up to date. You can request at any time that incorrect information is amended. We are required by law to retain medical records for a minimum of seven years.

If you have any questions about the privacy or your information, please contact our practice either by phone or email.